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Class of 2029 - Save the Date!

save the dates january 27 february 13 NNHS class of 2029

1/9/25 - High School is Almost Here!

Hello NNHS Class of 2029!

Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about your/your student's transition to NNHS. My name is Amy Winston and I am the Vice Principal at NNHS. One of my responsibilities is regular communication to NNHS students and families.

Below please find a series of important dates and events.

Note: The Course Catalog for 2025-2026, Opportunities, will be posted in mid-February. In the meantime, feel free to preview this year's edition. Get excited!

8th Grade Nights! 1/27 and 2/13

Have friends who aren't currently attending NPS?

  • These emails about course registration and transition are only sent to current NPS families of 8th graders who are flagged in Aspen as attending NNHS next year.
  • Feel free to share this information with friends who live on the North side but whose 8th graders don't currently attend an NPS school.
  • Non-NPS Families who are interested in registering their student to attend NNHS next year, should visit the School Registration page of the NPS website.
  • We encourage transfer students to complete the online registration process as early in spring as possible.
  • Potential transfer students and families are welcome to attend our 8th Grade Night Offerings on 1/27 and 2/13.